Uncle Ron...I love you! And clearly Mommy is right....I do look like you! Check out our noses...they are the same!!!
Mommy made me get my jammies on before Auntie Kaleigh opened her presents....It was getting close to my bed time and it can get pretty ugly when I get tired! This trick works out great because I usually fall asleep on the way home so Mommy can carry me right up to bed!

Kaleigh was teaching me all about cell phones....I already have one! I literally sleep with mine! When Mommy lays me down, I point at it and say "Hello" through the tears until she gets if for me....then I lay down and hold mine up to my ear saying "Hello Dada".....it makes Mommy laugh! Auntie
Kaleigh told me Daddy was in trouble and he could not come out of the phone until he behaved! ...here all this time I thought he was at work!

I read all of Auntie
Kaleigh's Birthday cards to her....she was
grateful I am sure!

I helped her open her gifts!! What would she do without us??