Daddy and I have a tradition...we always go on a toy hunt when he comes home because I like to throw toys and books behind my crib! It became tradition while Mommy was pregnant with Miley because she couldn't lay on her tummy to get under here! Mommy says "Why ruin a good thing?" Besides I look forward to doing fun things with Daddy...and to me, this is one of them! Together we like to be "explorers"....Daddy always tells me that he comes from a "long line of explorers". too Daddy!
Yeah...My Itsy Bitsy Spider book! I love this one!

Mommy is packing away our winter clothes and getting out spring stuff! YIPPEE! She is also getting out summer stuff for our trip to Palm Springs! While she was working...I took care of Miley! I am becoming a really good sister! I even like to help Mommy burp Miley! I think it is fun!! Mommy questioned that I was just using the opportunity to give my sister a good beating on the back....but I was actually very gentle with her! I am becoming very loving towards Miley! I think she realizes that I am the cool one so I love that! She smiles and laughs at me all then time!

Mommy is so greatful that we are so close in age! She gets a big kick out of watching us develop into little people and become "friends" too! Certainly we will always be close! Stay posted....haha!