Do all Mommy's do this???
My Mommy cleans my tray off with her hand that normal? I seem to think it is because I see it everyday....several times a day!

I even like to try and help out!!

I think it is fun to let the Cheerios get sucked right out of my hand and into the vac! I like to throw several of them on the floor too because Mommy loves to suck those up also......well I think she does...she is always sucking things up off the floor...Mommy always tells Daddy that buying that hand vac was one of her greatest investments!
HMMM....good job Mom!!

While my sister creates yet another mess for my Mom....I just hang out watching... and is it coincidental that I am giving the "Peace"'s not....thats me!! Peaceful Miley!!!...I wonder if I will change?? haha....Mommy bets I will! Time will tell!