While Mommy is feeding Miley, I like to play with my toys....and Miley's toys too! Here I am looking for one of Miley's toys that mysteriously ended up under our changing table....
I knew I could get it!

OHHH....I remember this toy!

Ok....I am getting bored.....hurry up Miley.....

I have waited long enough......let me out of here!!!!

My Mommy is quite the "multi-tasker"....she feeds Miley watches me play and takes pictures at the same time! Funny thing is she just cannot keep up with me taking my socks off! I love to pull them off almost as quick as she puts them on! I do however love to put my sisters socks on my feet....funny thing though.... I can only get them to cover my toes.....it is incredibly frustrating to me! I love to say "sock"!