Mommy and Daddy took Miley and I to a fun place today! We went to the Rec Center because we just found out that they have a gym FULL of toys for us little ones twice a week! We were all so excited because with the harsh winter we are having...we have lots of energy to burn!
Guess which toy we picked out first??? does this work?

All of the kids were bigger then me but that was just fine with I am walking around checking the place out!

Ohhh....this is fun!

Mommy was excited that I loved the basketballs! I did find several more fun things to do, but Mommy's batteries died on her camera.....have no fear....certainly we will be back....and she never goes anywhere without her camera! She is like the paparazzi....and Miley and I are her celebs! We left here and went to McDonalds.....I had my first Happy Meal....I tried Chicken McNuggets for the first time.....I can do without them.....they weren't that great...The apple juice box was a hit...and so was the hairless dog toy that came with it! I cried when Mommy would not let me take it to bed with me....but I had a really good nap anyway!