Hey Mom....make sure you get this on camera will ya!
Look Grandpa...the neighbor kids are watching! I bet they wish they had a Grandpa like mine!!
WHEEEE!!!!! Look at me....no hands....nobody holding on to me...and I didn't even fall! I love this! Mommy and Grandpa were laughing so hard because they just could not believe that I was able to do this without even holding on! I was going pretty fast and was able to balance myself!!

Yeah....so I'm cool....just ask me....I'll tell ya' how it is!

It's like surfing on the snow....Daddy tells me that Grandpa Steve was quite the surfer (in his day!) but I would have to see it to believe it! It could be
hereditary....but I have to give most of the credit to Grandpa teaching me step by step how to do this...he even showed me how to place my legs on the sled so I would not tip over....well I did a few times...but got right back up on the hill! This was so much fun! Thanks Grandpa!!! Can we do it again??

As soon as I got to the end, I wanted to go back to the top and when I was ready...I would tell Grandpa "GO!"