Ketchup?? What's that?
Today we hung out at Grandma and Grandpa's house while Mommy ran errands. We had so much much that I did not even take a nap! Thank you Grandma and Grandpa and Auntie Kaleigh for playing with us. Grandma introduced me to ketchup! I really won't eat french fries so Mommy never thought to give me ketchup...but Grandma...she knows all the tricks! She taught me how to "dip" and then "lick"....cause I'm not eatin' that french fry! I wasn't to sure what to think!
Today when I woke up my Mommy thought I finally look like I am back to my healthy self!! I am enjoying my breakfast...I am having some toast with Peanut Butter...I hate meat so Mommy and Daddy are trying to get some protein in my diet...I really don't like Peanut Butter either...UCKY....that is what I say! When I am done, I like to toss everything on the floor! I have been told that I should hand it to Mommy or that is as fun! But since the camera is you go Mommy!
We're Back!!! 2/23/09
We are sorry that we have not had a lot of exciting updates for you.....we have all been sick for about 2 weeks now! Mommy had the flu...thank goodness Daddy was home to take care of us! Mommy was stuck in the bedroom for 3 days trying to keep the germs away from us! Mommy said that having the flu is terrible, but not seeing her cuties for 3 days was even worse! She could hear us hanging out with Daddy but did not come out to see us because that was one nasty flu and she did not want us to get it! Mommy even shed a few tears because she just missed holding us and giving us lovies all the time! She has never been away from us that long and does not know how Daddy does it all the time! Daddy ended up with a sore throat and cold as he was leaving...and left it behind for Mommy...who later gave it to us! Yucky germs!!! Then, Lauren had a reaction to her MMR shot and ended up sick and had a rash all over her body from the Measles was ugly! Mommy would have taken pictures but she was too sick herself! We are still wiping noses and coughing....but feeling much better! Thanks Grandma and Aunt Care for the goodies you brought to us to make us get better quicker!! We appreciate it so much!! Mommy does not let me feed myself with utensils too often and she finally realized why not.....
"Crazy Turtle" and his innocent little friend.....
I am going to stay away from her and that turtle....YIKES!!!
Somebody save me!
We love you Great Grandma Carline and will miss you dearly!! 2/10/09
We are sad to announce that we have lost a very dear family member this week...Daddy's Grandmother...our Great-Grandma Carline has passed away. She was such a beautiful person inside and out! We will truly miss her as will anyone who has ever been blessed to have her touch their lives! Lauren was so fortunate to get to fly to Palm Springs, Ca. at just 10 weeks old to meet Great-Grandma Carline! We went to visit her several times during our short stay and Lauren was quite a hit at the retirement community that she was staying at! Grandma Carline insisted that we wash Lauren's hands as soon as we got back to her room because of all of the attention she was getting from others! Mommy found that to be quite funny....a germ-a-phobe just like Mommy! We love you Great-Grandma and Lauren will be sure to tell Miley all about you when she gets a little bit older! We will always cherish the Grandma book you filled out for us and look forward to sharing it with the girls when they grow up!
I used my Potty Chair!!! 2/7/09
When I grow up....I am going to get my Mommy back for taking these pictures!! I have been giving my Mommy "signs" that I know I am going potty in my diapers. Needless to say, she was telling people about it and wanted their opinion if she should get me a "Big Girl Potty" or not....everyone says..."Why not?" so here I am! Tonight while I was getting ready for bed, I grabbed my diaper and said "Dah!".....(my sign apparently) so Mommy took me to the bathroom and set me on my cute new pink "chair"?? I sat there and said "Rock"...which made Mommy laugh! For some reason this chair does not rock..... I wasn't quite sure what was going on....I just held on to baby Carol for a little while.....Mommy kept saying "Potty".........what is she talking about?
Then all of the sudden.....I felt something....I stood up and showed Mommy.....Look!!!!! I went POTTY for the very first time in my new Pink Potty Chair!!!! I even pointed at it to show her just what I did!!! Too bad she was too busy taking pictures....she may not have had to wash my hands like three times to get the pee-pee off of them!
Daddy was driving home from Minneapolis so we called him to fill him in!! He was just as excited for me!
Hanging out with Grandpa!! 2/7/09
Today was such a fun day with Grandpa!!! He can really appreciate the "daredevil" in me!! He came over before I was even out of bed and made a snow slide out in front of our house! It was great!!! I was able to enjoy a nice day because the temperature was so warm that I did not even need my heavy coat! We played outside for quite a while and it was a blast!!!He did teach me how to make a snowball....but then the REAL fun began!!!!!
Hey Mom....make sure you get this on camera will ya! Look Grandpa...the neighbor kids are watching! I bet they wish they had a Grandpa like mine!!
WHEEEE!!!!! Look at hands....nobody holding on to me...and I didn't even fall! I love this! Mommy and Grandpa were laughing so hard because they just could not believe that I was able to do this without even holding on! I was going pretty fast and was able to balance myself!!
Hanging out with Grandma! 2/7/09
While my sister was out "surfing in the snow" I opted to hang out with Grandma! Don't get me wrong, I did watch Lauren for a while, but lets be real....a girl can only watch her sister having fun for so long when you can't really join in on the fun yourself! Don't worry though Lauren...I will be out there with you next year! And besides...Grandma is much more fun...and she is warm and snuggly!
I'm a Big Girl!! 2/3/09
This little smile is going out to my Grandma, Grandpa, and Auntie Kaleigh....they have all had a terrible flu along with my Uncle Ron ....but he is better now! I cannot wait until you guys get better so you can come over and give me lovies!!! I miss all of you! Hmmmm....I wonder what my Grandma Elaine and Grandpa Steve are doing right now! I wish I was in Palm Springs visiting them! I have my swimsuit all ready to go....just waiting for Mommy and Daddy to decide when we are going! I really want to meet my cousins too! My sister told me I will love them! She said they have really neat rooms....Emma apparently loves Pugs and Bulldogs and Tyler has all kinds of reptiles!! I can hardly wait to meet them!
I am quite proud of myself....I decided I am going to suck my thumb today!!! I had my shots yesterday so I am a little under the weather and I think it is helping me comfort myself!
Mommy cried with my sister and I when we had our shots! I am not sure why she was crying...we were the ones in pain! Ouch! I do not like them one bit! Daddy even said he had never heard me cry like that! I am a pretty quiet baby but let me tell you...when I have a reason to cry....I am going to! My sister on the other hand....she is a noisy one! We recently went out for pizza to celebrate Daddy's birthday...she screamed so loud in the pizza place that she and Daddy ended up out in the van watching Veggie Tales.....Mommy and I hung out while she fed me. Mommy later realized what the ear piercing screams were all about....she had cut her second molar...whatever that means!